I. Open Hungarian Amateur Chess Championship

Including a Blitz tournament
(for players below FIDE-2300 – based on Fide list of 1st July 2023)

Prize fund: 2.000.000,-Ft


Organizer of the tournament:

Attila Czebe (GM) Chess tournament organizer +36 30 715 2053
email: attila.czebe75@gmail.com

Time and venue of tournament:

14-19. July 2023.
Marczibányi Square Cultural Center

Breakdown of the program:

Main event: 9 rounds Swiss system, 2×60 min + 30 sec extra time per move

Blitz tournament: 13 rounds Swiss system, 2×3 min + 2 sec extra time per move

Ranking: based on points scored;
Tiebreaker rules:

  • Modified Buchholz method,
  • Result between tied players,
  • Cumulative,
  • Live performance
  • Most wins
  • Highest score with black pieces
  • Drawing of lots

Chief Arbiter: Mgr. Tomáš Danada (IA, FM), +421 918 675 442

Participants of tournament:

The chess tournament welcomes all players as participants whose FIDE standard rating does not reach 2300 Rating according to the FIDE list of 1st July 2023. The maximum number of participants is 200 players, places will be filled in order of registration!

The tournament will be organized under current health regulations, MANDATORY for all participants to adhere to!
Non-compliance with rules and regulations will result in a warning, then the automatic (without deliberation) EXCLUSION of offending participants.

Prize fund (HUF): 2.000.000,-Ft


I. place: 600.000,-Ft
II. place: 300.000,-Ft
III. place: 150.000,-Ft
IV. place: 100.000,-Ft
V. place: 80.000,-Ft
VI. place: 65.000,-Ft
VII. place: 50.000,-Ft
VIII. place: 35.000,-Ft
IX. place: 25.000,-Ft
X. place: 20.000,-Ft

Women’s category:
I. place: 15.000,-Ft II. place: 10.000,-Ft III. place: 6.000,-Ft

FIDE Standard Rating between 1000-1499:
I. place: 15.000,-Ft II. place: 10.000,-Ft III. place: 6.000,-Ft

FIDE Standard Rating between 1500-1799:
I. place: 15.000,-Ft II. place: 10.000,-Ft III. place: 6.000,-Ft

FIDE Standard Rating between 1800-1999:
I. place: 15.000,-Ft II. place: 10.000,-Ft III. place: 6.000,-Ft

FIDE Standard Rating between 2000-1799:
I. place: 15.000,-Ft II. place: 10.000,-Ft III. place: 6.000,-Ft

Player born after 01.01.2009:
I. place: 15.000,-Ft II. place: 10.000,-Ft III. place: 6.000,-Ft

Player born after 01.01.2003:
I. place: 15.000,-Ft II. place: 10.000,-Ft III. place: 6.000,-Ft

Player born before 01.01.1963:
I. place: 15.000,-Ft II. place: 10.000,-Ft III. place: 6.000,-Ft

I. place: 80.000,-Ft
II. place: 65.000,-Ft
III. place: 50.000,-Ft
IV. place: 35.000,-Ft
V. place: 20.000,-Ft
VI. place: 15.000,-Ft
VII. place: 9.000,-Ft
VIII. place: 7.000,-Ft

Women’s category:
I. place: 10.000,-Ft II. place: 6.000,-Ft III. place: 4.000,-Ft

Player born after 01.01.2009:
I. place: 10.000,-Ft II. place: 6.000,-Ft III. place: 4.000,-Ft

Player born after 01.01.2003:
I. place: 10.000,-Ft II. place: 6.000,-Ft III. place: 4.000,-Ft

Player born before 01.01.1963:
I. place: 10.000,-Ft II. place: 6.000,-Ft III. place: 4.000,-Ft

Prizes are guaranteed only in case of participation of a minimum of 100 contestants!
Prize sharing is allowed.
Prizes are only subject to a 15% PIT (personal income tax).


Main Tournament:

July 14th (Friday)
Registration standard: 14:00 – 16:00
Round 1: 17:00 – 20:00
Opening ceremony, wine tasting: 20:00 – 22:00

July 15th (Saturday)
Round 2: 10:00 – 13:00
Registration blitz: 14:00 – 14:50
Blitz round 1- 13: 15:00 – 18:30

July 16th (Sunday)
Round 3: 10:00 – 13:00
Round 4: 15:00 – 18:00

July 17th (Monday)
Round 5: 10:00 – 13:00
Round 6: 15:00 – 18:00
Chess lecture by GM: 20:00 – 21:30

July 18th (Tuesday)
Round 7: 10:00 – 13:00
Round 8: 15:00 – 18:00
Simultaneous games: 20:00 – 22:00

July 19th (Wednesday)
Round 9: 10:00 – 13:00
Ending ceremony: 13:30 – 13:45

Entry fees and registration

Entry fee: 15.000,-HUF

Main tournament:

  • General entry fee: 15.000,-Ft
  • Without Fide Rating: 25.000,-Ft
  • Discount entry fee (Women, U18, S60, Persons with physical disabilities): 10.000,-Ft 

Blitz tournament:

  • General entry fee: 5.000,-Ft
  • Discount entry fee (Women, U18, S60, Persons with physical disabilities): 4.000,-Ft


Hotel Budapest, 1026 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 47.

  • Single bed room: 50€/night
  • Two-bed room: 65€/night
  • Three-bed room: 80€/night

Prices include buffet breakfast.


-> Click here to fill the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM <-

via the online form above. Participants shall include in their application their names, FIDE IDs, and request for accommodation if applicable. The Organizing Committee can only process applications including all relevant data!

Final deadline of application: June 20th 2023 with the limitation, that if maximum number of participants is reached before the deadline, the Organizers will be unable to register any more participants.

Further Information

Czebe Attila: +36 30 715 2053, attila.czebe75@gmail.com

Tomáš Danada: +421 918 675 442, tomas@danada.sk